Master of Divinity [M.Div]

  • M.Div Eng - I sem

    Dear students,

    Welcome to this online distance learning M. Div course.

    These are a few general guidelines:

    1. Every month you are expected to complete a subject. One subject includes getting to know the answers for the ‘study questions’, typing the answers for the 2 assignment questions and also writing the exam for the same subject.
    2. The syllabus is framed in such a way that each subject is divided into 5 units. Each unit will have a couple of ‘study questions’. By finding the answers to these questions, the student will have a fair overview of the unit.
    3. For each unit, the link for the reading materials will be given. You can either read from a gadget or take a hardcopy to read the specific pages mentioned in the syllabus.
    4. When you write your assignments, you have to include – Introduction, sub topics and conclusion. Proper footnote and bibliography has to be given.
    5. The assignments constitute 40% of the marks and the written exam constitutes 60%


Paper 1 .Inter- Testamental Period

Paper – 1


This course introduces students to the history, culture, and developments of thought in
Judaism during the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman periods, chiefly through the windows
provided by the major documents written during this period. Students will read the
Apocrypha, selected Dead Sea Scrolls, and other texts which throw important light on the
world into which the church and its theology and piety were born.
The Protestant canon can lead Christians to think that the Judaism of the New
Testament period, and early Christianity itself, grew directly out of the Hebrew
Scriptures. In fact, there were significant events and developments of thought during
the three hundred years before the Christian era which gave a distinctive shape to the
Judaism of the first century and the church that grew within that environment. This
course will introduce students to the broad contours of the history of the period, the
challenges faced by the Jewish people, and the way in which Judaism was taking shape
in response to changing circumstances, particularly in its theological, ethical, and
religious developments. We will pursue this primarily through the study of the ancient
literary witnesses to the period themselves (the Old Testament Apocrypha and other
early Jewish literature). We will be particularly attentive to the ways in which Old
Testament traditions are developed and modulated, and to the ways in which these texts
provide the foreground for the emergence of the theology, ethics, and piety of the early
Christian movement

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will
1. Have gained a general understanding of the historical connection of the Old
Testament with the New Testament.
2. Be able to discuss the development of Judaism in the Intertestamental
3. Have a basic knowledge of Apocryphal, Pseudepigraphical, and other extra-biblical writings.

Study materials for the following 5 Units:

  1. A Survey of the New Testament by Robert H Gundry
  2. Detailed Study of the Essenes A Movement.pdf
  3. Intertestamental Apocrypha NT use other pdf
  4. Intertestamental period -2 pdf
  5. Introduction to the New Testament Vol-1 History ,Culture and Religion 
  6. Introduction to the New Testament Vol-2 History and literature
  7. Mathias Henze Mind the Gap
  8. New Testament Survey Merill C Tenney
  9. The Chart about Maccabees and Hasmoneans
  10. The Intertestamental Period brief
  11. The Intertestamental Period from 400 BC to 25 AD
  12. The intertestamental Period of 400 years of silence
  13. Two Jewish writers Philo and Josephus

UNIT  – 1
• New Testament Canon and Authorship
• Jewish Pseudepigrapha or Intertestamental writings

Reference Material:

To open the book Click on Title:

  1. The_Intertestamental_Period_400_BC_25_AD 

       2. Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_2_History_and_Literature – THE SOURCES FOR THE HISTORY OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY (pp 1 – 12) 

Study question:

1. What is canon and why are these Jewish Pseudepigraphal books not found in the
Christian Bible?

UNIT – 2
• The political (kingdoms), and social background of the Intertestamental period
• The History of the Israelite People to the Roman Conquest
i. Persian Period
ii. Greek, Hasmonean / Maccabean Period
iii. Roman Period/Herod the Great
iv. Jesus’ Lifetime
v. The Early Church
vi. Jewish Revolt; Church after AD70

Reference Material:

➢ The Intertestamental Period of 400 Silent Years
The chart about Maccabees and Hasmoneans (pp 206)
Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_Culture,_and_Religion (pp
197 – 216)

Study questions:

1. What is Hellenization?
2. What is the meaning of Diaspora Jews?
3. Write in detail about the events in the life of Mattathias ben Johanan which lead to
a great revolt.
4. Why are the 400 years called as silent years? Were they really silent in your view?

• Social and Religious Groups which began during the Intertestamental period
(Diversity in the Religion of Israel)
• The Philosophical Schools and Philosophical Religion

Reference Material:

The_InterTestamental_Period – Brief
Intertestamental-period – 2
Daniel’s prophecy – Literature of the Apocalyptic Movement Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_Culture,_and_Religion (pp

Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_Culture,_and_Religion (pp
217 – 234)
The Philosophical Schools –
Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_ Culture,_and_Religion (pp
137 – 147)

Study questions:
1. Write few lines about the religious groups that were developed during this period.
Classify them as those that are FOUND or NOT FOUND in the New Testament.
2. How do you think that the prophecy mentioned in the 8th chapter of the book of
Daniel had come true during these days?
3. Have you found any possible connection between John the Baptist and any of
these religious groups?

• Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls and the proof of the New Testament
• The Literature of Hellenistic Israel

Reference Material:

➢ intertestamental-period – 2
➢ Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_Culture,_and_Religion (pp
235 – 272)

Study questions:

1. When and how were the Qumran scrolls discovered?
2. Write a short note on the significance of the Septuagint to the Jews during the
period of Jesus (its language, content, usage).


• Israel’s Hellenistic Historians
o Polybios (ca. 200-120 BCE)
o Diodoros Siculus (1st century CE)
o Plutarch (45-125 CE)
• Contribution of Jewish historians
o Josephus
o Philo
o Lucian of Samosata (120-180 CE)

Reference Material:

➢ Introduction_to_the_New_Testament,_Vol_1_History,_Culture,_and_Religion (pp
107 – 119)

Study questions:

1. What has been the style of writing of the Greek historians?
2. How have these historians contributed to the New Testament?
3. Does Luke, the Physician qualify to be called a historian?

Assignment questions:

1. How did the Romans take over the Grecian empire? What were the influences
of the Grecian empire that were retained by the Romans too? Just like Hellenization,
mention the worldly influences that are found in the church today and in your church
in particular.
2. How did the Maccabean Revolt lead to empower the sect of Sadducees? Write
the ways in which the study of this paper influenced your understanding of the New
Testament writings.

➢ Robert H Gundry, A Survey of the New Testament, “Inter-testamental and political
history” Academie Books Michigan 1981 pp 3 – 52
➢ Robert H Gundry, A Survey of the New Testament, “Qumran Caves” Academie
Books Michigan 1981 pp 84 – 69
➢ Robert H Gundry, A Survey of the New Testament, “The Canon and Text of the
New Testament” Academie Books Michigan 1981 pp 101 – 114
➢ Helmut Koester,“History and literature of early Christianity – The Canon of the New
Testament” 2nd edition (Walter De Gruyter; New York:1982) pp 1 – 15
➢ Helmut Koester,“History and literature of early Christianity – The History-ofReligions Background” (Walter De Gruyter; New York:1982) pp 75 – 77
➢ Merrill C Tenney, “The world of the New Testament – New Testament Survey” 8th
edition (Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.;USA: February 1967) pp 1 – 124
➢ Supplement to Introducing the New Testament, 2nd ed. © 2018 by Mark Allan
➢ Matthias_Henze_Mind_the_Gap

Paper 2: Introduction to Church History





The course will trace the social, cultural, political, spiritual, and theological history of the
Christian Church from its apostolic beginnings up to the Reformation. We will survey the
major movements, doctrines, persons, and institutions that arose within the church and
affected its development.

Course Objectives:

1) To identify the key historical periods of the pre-Reformation church.
2) To demonstrate an understanding of the major heresies that confronted the early
Christian community, especially in terms of their departure from scripture.
3) To grasp the importance of the early ecumenical councils.
4) To clarify the meaning of heresy, error, and schism with applications to Christian
ministry today.
5) To survey the essential components of early Christian music and worship in the
light of their relevance to the contemporary church.
6) To explain the developments in church polity, which gave, rise to the monarchical
episcopacy and ultimately the medieval ecclesiastical hierarchy.
7) To distinguish the Apostolic Fathers, the Apologists, and major Church Fathers in
terms of their key representatives and theological tasks.
8) To reflect critically on the issues of church and state relations during the early and
medieval centuries.
9) To articulate the monastic vision and its impact on Christianity.
10) To explore the interplay between church and culture as leading theologians
developed their theologies, with a view to current applications in Christian ministry, and also including an examination of the rise of non-Western traditions of
Christianity in their historical development.
11) To gain a basic understanding of Eastern Orthodoxy.
12) To explain the nature of Islam and its challenge to Christianity.
13) To trace the evolution of the papacy.
14) To describe the late medieval movements of protest and understand the rise
of the Renaissance and Humanism that ran parallel to the waning of the Middle

                                                         Reference Materials for the following Units:

Just click on these titles and read:

  1. An Introduction to Church History
  2. Church History additional material 
  3. Christianity through the centuries
  4. Muslims and crusaders
  5. Death of the Apostles


• Acts 2 – 8
• 9: 1- 25
• 9: 26- 15: 4
• 15: 5 – 18: 11
• 18: 12 – 24: 27

Please read the book of Acts in English and in your mother tongue. After these two
readings, please listen to the following videos to gain further knowledge.

Reference Material:

➢ Introduction to Church history PDF pages 1,2

➢ Death of the Apostles
➢ Introduction to Church History Page 10

Study questions:

1. Why learn church history?
2. What do you know about the Jerusalem council?
3. Why were there house churches in those days?
4. What evidence do you find in the Bible regarding how the church functioned after
the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost?
5. Write a short note on the death of all the apostles.
6. Write about the persecution of the Christians in Jerusalem.
7. Explain about Paul’s three missionary journeys and their locations and significant
8. What are the important reasons why one has to read church history?


• Early church fathers-
• Epistolary Literature
• Heresies and the defense of the church (apologetics)

Reference Material:

➢ Death of the Apostles
➢ How Did The Bible Become
Compiled Into One Volume? M Licona
➢ How did we get the Bible?
➢ Church History additional Material pages 10 to 14 & 16 – 39
➢ Introduction to Church History Page 11 – 13

Study questions:

1. Write about the significance of the church at Alexandria
2. List out the early church fathers and their contributions to the canon of the New
3. How do we know the authority of the books in the New Testament?
4. Write about the church’s struggle against heresy and analysis of its own position.
5. Write three pillars of the New Testament canon.
6. Write few lines about Muratorian Canon and Athanasius.
7. Write a short note about any one sacrament.


• Formation of the Roman Catholic Church
• Notable church fathers
• Controversies

Reference Material:

➢ Church History additional Material pages 39 – 61
➢ Introduction to Church History Page 14 & 15

Study questions:
1. Was the RC church able to fulfil God’s requirements when it was coupled with the
political power?
2. Why is this period a part of the ‘Dark Ages’?
3. What is the Edict of Milan?
4. What is a creed? What are the creeds that developed during this era?
5. Write a short note on the controversies that were dealt with through the Nicaean
6. Write about the controversies about the nature of Christ that originated during this
7. List out the eastern and western Post-Nicene Fathers.
8. Evaluate Monasticism. What is the right view about marriage that is given in the
New Testament? (Write your view with quotations)


• The power and domination of the RC church
• The church’s power over politics, economics and education
• The Papal system and its corruptions

Reference Material:
➢ Church History additional Material pages 62 – 72, 79 – 83, 85 – 91 & 98 – 102

Study questions:
1. Explain in detail about how Pope Gregory – I expanded the powers?
2. How did the rise of Islam affect or work against the RC church?
3. How did the early catholic missionaries evangelise the British Isles?
4. Write a short note on how the Eastern Orthodox Church
5. How was the Holy Roman Empire formed?
6. What was the schism in the church between AD 800 and 1054?
7. What are the causes for the separation?
8. Explain about Monastic Reform.
9. How did papal supremacy blind the people from seeing the truth in the Bible?

UNIT 5 (REFORMATION AD 1517 – 1648)
• Reformation within the RC church AD 1054-1305
• The fall of Papacy AD 1305-1517
• The doctrine of justification by faith – by Martin Luther
• A period of controversy, change, and conflict in the political, economic,
social, and theological realms. Counter reformation – The Reformation in
Reference Material:
➢ Church History additional Material pages 103 – 109
➢ Church History additional Material pages 116 – 117
➢ Church History additional Material pages 131 – 138
➢ Church History additional Material pages 138 – 156
Study questions:
1. Write your views about the need for reformation in the Catholic Church for
example Papal Taxation etc
2. Mention the orders that rose within the Catholic Church.
3. Write short notes on the life of Peter Waldo who began ‘The Waldensian
4. Explain how John Wycliffe and John Hus prepared the way for the actual
reformation movement.
5. What are the causes for the reformation?
6. What are the events that led to Luther’s reformation? What is Lutheranism? Is that
what was expected from the reformation?

7. What is the role played with Huldreich Zwingli and John Calvin in the Counter

Assignment questions:
1. Write why the crusades are always considered as a black-mark in the history of
Christianity. Enumerate how the rise and growth of celibacy and the power of
the papal system led to the fall of real spirituality in the church. What are some
such failing fleshly battles that are found among the Christians in the present
2. Was the acknowledgement of Christians by the political powers really beneficial?
In what way did the reformation challenge the supremacy of the Papal Rome? Do
you think that there are some powers among the Christians that really challenge
the supremacy of God? How do you suggest that we have to deal with them?

➢ Good, Dean E. “Introduction To Church History” (Spring 2013)
For additional references:
➢ Christie, Niall. “Muslims and Crusaders – Christianity’s Wars in the Middle East,
1095–1382, from the Islamic Sources” (Routledge; NY:2014)
➢ Cairns, Earle E. “Christianity Through the Centuries – A History of the Christian
Church, Third Edition” (Zondervan; PDF copy)

Paper 3: Christology

1 SEMESTER – Paper – 3


Christology is the part of theology that is concerned with the nature and work of Jesus, including such matters as the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and his human and divine natures and their relationship.
Jesus is the most influential person in the whole of history as God planned it before the foundation of the world. There were indeed a few people who rose up around the time of Jesus, calling themselves as Christ. However, anyone who had been touched by Jesus’ life or words was given the spiritual understanding that He was indeed the Son of God. Jesus has given to the world the spirit behind the Law of Moses. He also has changed forever the course of mankind.
This course promotes the personal preparation for every student for the ministry to bring a systematic understanding of the person and work of Jesus the Christ to bear on pastoral issues and exposes the student to the spiritual dimension of Christological teaching.

Course Objectives:
• To be able to articulate the key terms and relations of one particular approach to understanding the mystery of the Incarnation from reflection on personal and communal religious experience.
• To be able to define and explain Christology
• To understand the decisions about Jesus reached by the early church councils
• To defend the orthodox truths about Jesus’ person, nature, teachings and work
• To answer scripturally, the questions regarding Christ
• To appreciate the intellectual and spiritual importance of Christology
• To have a clarity on the Person of Christ, His atonement, His Resurrection and Ascension
• To understand about the various Offices of Christ

Study materials for following Units:

  1. Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem 
  2. Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias 


The Person of Christ, the humanity of Christ, the deity of Christ

Reference Material:
➢ GRUDEM, WAYNE. “SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY” (England; IVP: 1960) Chapter 26, pp 456 – 488
Study questions:
1. What is the meaning of ‘immaculate conception’ which the Roman Catholic Church advocates? Is this the right view about the Virgin birth?
2. Write some of the weaknesses and limitations of Jesus with Biblical references which prove that he was a human being.
3. Why was Jesus’ full humanity necessary?
4. Write the claims to the Deity of Christ along with Bible references.
5. Prove that Christ was fully Divine.

• How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament: part 1
• How Many Types of Christ Are There? How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 7
• How Jesus is Like the Tabernacle of Moses
• Typology in the 5 Sacrifices of Leviticus

Reference Material:

Study questions:
1. What is the meaning of Theophany? Give two examples
2. Write the list of things in the Pentateuch which point to Jesus (Typology) and mention how it points to Jesus?
3. Who are the New Testament preachers who had used OT to explain that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah (with scriptural references)?
4. All types are lesser and Jesus the ultimate person to whom they point to is greater or better or perfect. Write five examples for the same.
5. How did the Levitical sacrificial law act as a typology of Jesus?


• How Jesus is Like the Tabernacle of Moses: How to find Jesus in the OT pt14
• Melchizedek and Jesus: How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 6
• Joseph as a Type of Christ
• The Mystery of The High Priest’s Garments

Reference Material:

Study questions:
1. How does the line of priesthood from Melchizedek to Jesus flows through the Bible?
2. ‘Jesus – the greatest High Priest’ Explain.

• Hall of Typology!
• The Book of Hebrews: How to find Jesus in the OT

Reference Materials:

Study questions:
1. How does the hall of faith in Hebrews 11th chapter, act as a typology of Jesus Christ?
2. What does the book of Hebrews intend to teach regarding the Messiah?


• Really Specific Prophecy Jesus Fulfilled on the Cross!
• The Mind Blowing Significance of Passover as Prophecy

Reference Material:

Study questions:

1. How do you think that the prophecies regarding the Incarnation, the Atonement, the Church and Eschatology have been fulfilled in and through Jesus?
2. Narrate how Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan, has a direct connection with the church (the body of Christ) reaching the New Jerusalem.

Note: Search for the lesson topics in the PDF of Wayne Grudem’s “Systematic Theology”, then you will be able to place the reading content.

1. Write an essay about the three inadequate views of the person of Christ and The Chalcedonian Definition which serves as an answer to the controversy.
2. Explain the all-atoning sacrifice of Jesus which He offered once-and-for-all. Write in detail about how the tabernacle does represent a type of Jesus.

Additional resources:
Ravi Zacharias, “Jesus among other gods” (RZIM; Chennai: 2000)

Just click and get Biblical & Theological Reference books in the following link: